Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Dream

So, my mom shows up in lots of my dreams. Often she seems unhappy - which is always unsettling to me. Last night - she appeared and she clowned around. When she was still alive, this was a rare and wonderful site. Not that she was super somber. She was always a joy to be around. But once in a great while, she got downright silly and it was always shocking and fun.

So, in my dream I was at a table with my brother and my mom. I was eating tamales made by my buddy Alex's mom. (I had some, for real, last night--- they were ridiculously good.) I asked if she wanted a bite and she shmooshed it all over my plate with that devilish grin.

Also in the dream, she asked what I wanted for Christmas. I mentioned three things. Today, I had trouble remembering, but then they all came to me throughout the morning. Here they are:

Camera: In my dream, we discussed a really nice one costing $200. Ha, right? I think this comes from me really actually wanting a nice camera. We've got some digital, pocket cams - but friends of ours have the real deal ... and our handy little cameras don't hold a candle. So, I guess I really do want a nice camera. And I really need to take better photos.

Fancy Dress: In my dream, I was thinking of it costing $500. Not fancy for fancy people, but fancy for me. In reality, it's a nice idea... but what do I need a dressy dress for? Then again, today, I realized I don't have the staple that all fashion sites/books/mags say a woman should have: the LBD. So ... hmmmmmmmm.

Cooking Classes: I took a really great class from a school in Culver City. It was all about knife skills. It was so fun.... I want to take more. So this dream idea is a great idea.

So glad my mom was being silly.

1 comment:

Mary Elizabeth (MErider) said...

Great dream. I never saw Judy super silly, but I certainly saw here sense of humor when she was out visiting you. I think it's wonderful that you still dream such vivid dreams with her there.