Saturday, January 3, 2009


So, I attempted a boule today. Now, I know that dough is one of those things that can be so easy but then one wrong move - temperature, too much kneading, too much flour, too little flower - can screw it all up. And, today, that's just what I did. My boule did not appear to do anything it was supposed to do. 

I thought the recipe was screwball. But then, one search on google and I found another blogger who not only used this exact recipe but also appeared to have great success. I'd love to re-type the recipe here but I think that might not be ok with Cooking Light. 

Here's the thing - I mixed everything as specified and I was supposed to come out with a sticky dough that I turn out to a floured surface. Then, I was to add a flour/salt mixture little by little until the dough appeared smooth and elastic. It never did. I got frustrated after a while (natch) and just dumped the remainder of the flour mixture on my dough. It continued to be a fairly sticky gob. BUT I CONTINUED! (Most would have tossed the mess, I think.)

I figured - hey - it could still work. So I let it rise. It didn't. Was my house too cold? Was my yeast too old? What the frig?!


I didn't have walnuts for the bread... and didn't really want them in there anyhoo. So I just set it up for it's next round of rising. This time, I ended up being gone for a while. I know, I know, it said an hour in the recipe. But at this point, I knew I'd blown it so I gave up on following instructions. (Typically what gets me into trouble.)

I get home and - ALAS -it's risen! But I pull the towel off and the edge of the dough sticks and pshhhhhhhhhhhhh out goes the air.

So - you think - at this point, I should toss it. 

I didn't. 

It's cooking as I type. But I know it will be some odd cracker meets brick type of grossness.

The good news is, I haven't hurt myself in the kitchen. I may have written that too soon because I still have to take the bread out of the oven and there is always room for casualties in that endeavor. But no other burns or lacerations. Just frustration.

Any thoughts? Anyone?

1 comment:

Mary Elizabeth (MErider) said...

I have a thought...the next time you cooke a boule, invite me over and I'll taste test it for you. I know, that doesn't help you in the least, but it would most definitely help me. :-)